Implementation from scratch of a research or didactic laboratory EEG and BCI.

comprehensive laboratory equipment and software for bioelectrical signal measurement
class scenarios (with different levels depending on the field of study and the needs of the university)
training for instructors and technicians

For the purposes of conducting classes or research using EEG and BCI, we have prepared a complete environment that integrates user-friendly access to hardware, software and documentation.


Unique documentation and didactic materials allowing to conduct EEG/BCI classes for different groups of listeners.

Class scenarios

Complete teaching programs with scripts and educational materials adapted to the specifics of a group of students, the thematic and time range of the subject, tested for a decade at the world’s first Neuroinformatics I degree studies at the University of Warsaw.

Experiment scenarios

Sample scenarios of psychophysiological experiments, prepared in dedicated software.

Signal analysis

Software enabling the analysis of psychophysiological data (using scripts in Python or a simple interface) used for years, among others at the University of Warsaw and SWPS.

Software that allows online signal recording and preview as well as designing and conducting psychophysiological experiments.


Configured to work with Perun amplifiers, Svarog software provides, in addition to recording and viewing the signal, convenient analysis of EEG data in a graphical interface: ERP, time-frequency maps (spectrogram, waveform analysis, decomposition of matching pursuit), ICA, DTF, possibility of independent filter design and assembly.

Svarog Streamer

Braintech’s proprietary software required for Svarog to receive and display signals from devices connected to the computer or available on the network as compatible LSL streams. Svarog Streamer includes the following modules.

  • Module for sending the signal to Svarog:
    • possibility of connecting Svarog to the signal from Perun amplifiers with the option of viewing the quality of electrode connection
    • the ability to connect Svarog to the signal sent by LSL (from other amplifiers or software)
  • Signal recording module in Svarog.
  • LSL signal sending module (possibility to use other software, e.g. OpenVibe to work with the signal from Perun amplifiers).
  • Module – BCI Demo P300 application – showing the operation of a simple brain interface of a computer-based on the P300 paradigm.

Svarog Lab

It enables designing and conducting psychophysiological experiments.

  • Connection module between Svarog and PsychoPy.
    • Possibility to prepare psychophysiological experiments in the graphic editor.
    • Possibility to run previously prepared experiments directly in Svarog (e.g. after putting on a cap and verifying the quality of the signal).
    • The ability to view the signal and impedance “live” during the experiment.
    • Ability to observe the events of the PsychoPy experiment and generate additional events “live” directly on the EEG signal in Svarog.
    • Record EEG signal, events and experiment data in a standardized way.
  • Network functions module.
    • The ability to connect Svarog to an amplifier running on another computer in the same network (especially useful for lab classes when everyone in the computer room can analyze the same live signal).
    • Ability to preview the Svarog signal from experiments and analysis created and run using handwritten scripts in Python language on the same or another computer (especially useful for research work).
  • Video EEG module.
    • Possibility to start the preview from the IP camera while viewing the signal.
    • Possibility to record video stream with EEG signal (useful for all-night recordings).
    • The ability to view the signal synchronously with the video image.
    • Possibility to control the position and parameters of the camera.
    • Required equipment for the module: IP camera and tripod.

Amplifiers and stimulators allowing for reliable measurements of bioelectrical signals for use in the facility and at home.


32-channel universal amplifier for measuring various biomedical signals, powered by USB-C.


The cheapest professional (24-bit) wireless EEG amplifier.


The only device in the world for the accurate generation of any visual stimuli evoking SSVEP potentials.

Perun Headset

A unique set based on a comfortable cap, wireless amplifier and water-based electrodes.

Substantive support in launching the laboratory.

We offer professional support and consultation in the field of bioelectrical signal measurements, psychophysiology, bioelectrical signal analysis and equipment operation.

Contact us and we will prepare a dedicated BCI Lab offer tailored to the planned use.
